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Uniform generalized graphs


    A weighted (labelled) graph $G= (V,E)$ with a fixed set of vertices $\{u_1,u_2,\dots, u_n\}$ is defined to be uniform generalized if for weights $c_{ij}$ of edges $u_iu_j$ and weighted degrees $\text{w}\deg u_i$ of vertices the following holds: $c_{ij}= c_{pq}$ if $\text{w}\deg u_i= \text{w}\deg u_p$ and $\text{w}\deg u_j= \text{w}\deg u_q$ and $c_{ij}\ge c_{pq}$ if $\text{w}\deg u_i\ge \text{w}\deg u_p$, $\text{w}\deg u_j\ge \text{w}\deg u_q$. The paper presents a method of investigation of uniform generalized graphs as "linear combinations" of simpler graphs, called extremal, which are completely determined by their weighted degrees.

 Ключевые слова

    weighted graph; generalized graphs; weighted degrees

Последние изменения: 27.02.2001

119991 Москва, Ленинский просп., 14
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