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CERIF-2000 as a platform for university public research information service


    The CERIF-2000 set of recommendation specifies relational database schema and metadata schema which can be used to describe research information. In the project Austrian Research Information system – Multimedia Extended (AURIS-MM) the CERIF-2000 database was used as a database schema to keep information about universities’ research. In the article a set of requirements to university information system is described with description how CERIF-2000 suits those requirements. The advantages and disadvantages of CERIF-2000 are emphasized and solutions to solve possible problems are suggested. The aim of the article is to provide very practical description of CERIF-2000 as a database for university CRISs.

 Ключевые слова

    CERIF, metadata, Current Research Information System, CRIS, university CRIS,
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Последние изменения: 13.03.2002

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