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  1.   Dunaevsky A.M. ,     Zimin M.V. Study of detection of gamma-hadron families by carbon chamber , 01.1992

  2.   Dunaevsky A.M. ,     Karpova S.A. Properties of hadron-nuclear interactions at 10~16-10~17 eV inferred from Superfamilies , 01.1992

  3.   Slavatinsky S.A. ,     Dunaevsky A.M. ,     Zimin M.V. ,     Karpova S.A. Gamma-hadron families and total inelasticity in strong interactions at 10~15-10~16 eV , 01.1992

  4.   Smorodin Y.A. ,     Smirnova M.D. ,     Tomaszewski A.. On the development of the two component model , 01.1992

  5.   Zhdanov G.B. ,     Denisova V.G. Analysis of the main characteristics of gamma families, the comparision of experiment "PAMIR" with simulation models for carbon chambres , 01.1992

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Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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