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Структура учреждений РАН

Query Answering in LAV with Constraints Under Exact View Assumption


    The problem of query answering under exact views is considered. Our approach is based on Data Exchange settings: we describe an algorithm to create an incomplete table (in "c-tables" formalism by Imielnski) which describes all legal global databases. It is demonstrated that under EVA algebraic properties of a set of legal tables are signifantly different from algebraic properties of universal solution under SVA (what correlates with computational complexity and monotonicity results for query answering). By reduction of a query answering problem to constraint satisfaction problem (defined as a homomorphism problem) a few cases of tractable query answering are found.

 Ключевые слова

    query answering, exact views, closed world, universal solution, data exchange, NP-hard, constraint satifaction problem

Последние изменения: 12.10.2004

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