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  1.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Sobyanin A.A. ,     Bulaevskii L.N.
    Macroscopic theory of superconductors with small coherence length. Physica C: Superconductivity , Vol.152,N5 , с. P.378-388 , 01.1988

  2.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Macroscopic theory for superconductors with small coherence length. Physica C: Superconductivity , Vol.153-155,pt.II , с. P.1617-1621 , 01.1988

  3.   Ginzburg V.L.
    High-temperature superconductivity: some remarks. Prog. in Low Temp.Phys. , Vol.12 , с. P.1 , 01.1989

  4.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Thermoelectric effects in Superconductors. Journal Superconductivity , Vol.2,N2 , с. P.323-328 , 01.1989

  5.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Thermoelectric effects in high-temperature superconductors. Physica C: Superconductivity , Vol.162-164,Pt.1 , с. P.277 , 01.1989

  6.   Ginzburg V.L.
    High-temperature superconductivity: past, present and future. Physics Today , Vol.42,N3 , с. P.9-11 , 01.1989

  7.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Landau's attitude toward physics and physicists. Physics Today , Vol.42,N5 , с. P.54-61 , 01.1989

  8.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Dogiel V.A.
    Some problems of gamma-astronomy. Space Sci. Rev. , Vol.49,N3/4 , с. P.311-383 , 01.1989

  9.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Notes of amateur astrophysicist. Ann. Rev. Astr. Astrophys. , Vol.28 , с. P.1 , 01.1990

  10.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On crystal optics with spatial dispersion. Phys.Repts C , Vol.194,N5&6 , с. P.245-251 , 01.1990

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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