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  1.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Scattering of light in helium II.. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.7,N5 , с. P.305-306 , 01.1943

  2.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the influence of the terrestrial magnetic field on the reflection of radio waves from the ionosphere. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.7,N6 , с. P.289-304 , 01.1943

  3.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Polarization of the lines in the night sky luminescence spectrum and in the spectrum of northern lights. C.r.Acad. sci. URSS , Vol.38,N8 , с. P.237-240 , 01.1943

  4.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the anomalies in the polarization of twilight. C.r.Acad. sci. URSS , Vol.38,N9 , с. P.301-303 , 01.1943

  5.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Sobolev N.N.
    On secondary light scattering in the atmosphere and on polarization anomalies during twilight. C.r.Acad. sci. URSS , Vol.40,N6 , с. P.223-225 , 01.1943

  6.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the theory of excited spin states of elementary particles. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.8,N1 , с. P.33-51 , 01.1944

  7.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Smorodinsky J..
    On the wave equations for particles with variable spin. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.8,N1 , с. P.52-53 , 01.1944

  8.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the thermoelectric phenomena in superconductors. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.8,N3 , с. P.148-153 , 01.1944

  9.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the absorption of radio waves and the number of collisions in the ionosphere. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.8,N4 , с. P.253-256 , 01.1944

  10.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the scattering of light in liquids. C.r.Acad. sci. URSS , Vol.42,N4 , с. P.168-171 , 01.1944

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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