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  1.   Baranov S.P. ,     Abramova L.A. ,     Dulov A.A.
    Probing the catalyst structure by electroconductivity using computer simulation analysis. Mendeleev Communication , с. P.150-151

  2.   Baranov S.P. ,     Abramova L.A. ,     Dulov A.A.
    Application of computer simulation analysis to study the structure of catalysts with electroconductivity measurements. 2 Conf."Modern Trends in Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis". Proc. Novosibirsk 1995

  3.   Baranov S.P.
    On the hadronic and leptonic production of J/v +c+C states. Workshop"Physics-at HERA. Proc. Hamburg 1991 , с. P.663-666

  4.   Baranov S.P. ,     Aleev A.N.
    Experiment for the measurement of CP violation in B decays(letter of intent). Prepr. JINR

  5.   Baranov S.P. ,     Fil'kov L.V.
    The dynamics of phase transitions from quark-gluon plasma to hadrons. Thir Int. conf. on nucleus-nucleus collisions. Saint-Malo, France, 6-11 June. Contr. papers , с. P.203

  6.   a.o. ,     Bollini D.. ,     Frabetti P.L. ,     Heiman G.. ,     Baranov S.P.
    Muon pairs and upper limit for upsilon production by 280 GeV muons. Nucl.Phys. , Vol.199,N1 , с. P.27-35 , 01.1982

  7.   a.o. ,     Bollini D.. ,     Baranov S.P. ,     Benvenuti A.C. ,     Bruni G.. ,     Grushin V.F. ,     Komar A.A. ,     Shikanyan A.A. ,     Telyukov E.V.
    Upper limits on D~ -D~ mixing ang BB production from muon-nucleon scattering. Phys.Lett.B , Vol.158B,N6 , с. P.531-535 , 01.1985

  8.   Baranov S.P. ,     Fil'kov L.V.
    Phase transitions of a quark-gluon plasma to hadrons. Z_Phys. , Vol.44,N2 , с. P.227-240 , 01.1989

  9.   a.o. ,     Baranov S.P. ,     Bardin D.Y. ,     Cvach J.. ,     Dodokhov V.K.
    Study of nucleon structure functions from niclei up to and beyond the kinematical limit. Preprint CERN , N44 , 01.1985

  10.   a.o. ,     Baranov S.P. ,     Grushin V.F. ,     Komar A.A. ,     Bardin D.Y.
    The contribution from charmed particles production and decay to multimuon events in deep inelastic N scattering. Preprint LPI , N174 , с. 16 c. , 01.1985

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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