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Персона без имени
- Baranov S.P.
Pair production of B~(*)_c mesons in pp and collisions.
Phys.Rev. , N5 , с. P.2756-2759 , 01.1997
- Baranov S.P.
Semiperturbative and nonperturbative production of hadrons with two heavy flavors.
Phys.Rev. , Vol.56D,N5 , с. P.3046-3056 , 01.1997
- Baranov S.P.
Pair production of Xc states at collider energies.
Ядер. физ. , Т.60,N6 , с. C.1103-1114 , 01.1997
- Baranov S.P.
Single and pair production of B_c mesons in pp, ep and "gamma" "gamma" collisions.
Ядер. физ. , Т.60,N8 , с. C.1459-1469 , 01.1997
- Baranov S.P. , Fil'kov L.V. , Loktionova N.A.
Hydrodynamical evolution of a Quark Gluon Plasma drop with boundary.
Ядер. физ. , Т.60,N12 , с. C.2277-2284 , 01.1997
- Baranov S.P.
Probing the BFKL gluons with J/v leptoproduction.
Phys.Lett.B , Vol.428 , с. P.377-382 , 01.1998
- Baranov S.P.
HIPPOPO - a Monte Carlo generator for particle production in the Quark-Gluon String model.
Preprint LPI , N42 , с. 11 c. , 01.1998
- a.o. , Adamovich M.I. , Baranov S.P.
Production of resonances in "sigma"~- induced reactions at 345 GeV/c.
European Physics Journal , Vol.11C , с. P.271-278 , 01.1999
- Baranov S.P. , Zotov N.P.
Pomeron intercept and BFKL gluon dynamics in the pt(D~*) spectra at HERA.
Phys.Lett.B , Vol.458 , с. P.389-392 , 01.1999
- Baranov S.P. , Abramova L.A. , Dulov A.A.
Computer simulations aimed at the analysis of the state and the evolution of multicomponent systems. Part I.
J.Phys.Chem.Solids , Vol.55 , с. P.367-372 , 01.1994